28+ Advanced On Page SEO Techniques Factors 2024
Do you know the top 5 results in the search engine SERP get 75% of user clicks! This is due to they know very well advanced techniques on page SEO techniques that help their sites to rank on the search engine. If you will achieve this feat then you can rank your site very well on the search engine for the targeted keywords. Well, the things that are under your control are always better because you can could those according to your choice, your requirement and timing. On-page SEO is not different for other sites that are ranking on the 1st position, the thing is that they are using the recommended advanced SEO on page that require for the any search engine. These SEO techniques always stay under your control and you can experiment with them whenever you like and extract the best out of it. With every update of Google algorithm, on page SEO techniques is different from off page SEO techniques which face changes and come up with new and advanced SEO techniques every time creating challenges for the developers and the digital marketers.
This New advanced On Page SEO techniques help your site to gain traffic and CTR from the search engine. It will also increase site performance and site health that built the site authority for the ranking purpose. This advanced on page SEO lashes with a lot of latest on page strategies that help to build the best site and user friendly site.
What is SEO?
SEO stands for “Search Engine Optimization” that deal with the ranking organically on the seach engine by implementing strategies of on page SEO and Off page SEO. In other words it is a process that improve the search visibility of website on the search engine such as Google, Yahoo, Bing, Yandex and many more.
Types of SEO
- On Page SEO: In this techniques you have to deal the UI, user experience, HTML, CSS, Meta tags, page speed so basically you can say its all about technical things.
- Off Page SEO: Here you have to deal with only backlinks that increase your site DA, TF, DR and many other factors that makes more strong links. The links also includes Nofollow and Dofollow depends on the the links.
What is Advanced On-Page SEO?
Advanced On page SEO involves those SEO strategies or process that are performed within the website and are under your control. It is the practice of optimizing web pages in order to get more gain traffic and accordingly to increase the rank in search engine ranking page. In this On page SEO you have to knowledge about advanced technial things that makes website search engine and user friednly. It refers to both content and HTML source code optimization.
Why Advanced On-page SEO?
The benefits of advanced on page SEO techniques are enormous. The performance of a website mainly depends on the optimization of the content and the UI and also it is nevertheless to say that on page SEO plays the major role here. These advanced latest On page SEO is very useful because it helps in-
- Increase website traffic and users
- Get the best ROI
- Increase business leads
- Ranking higher in the SERP
- Boosting organic traffic
- Helps in local SEO
- Speeds up website loading speed
- Improves CTR (click-through rate)
- Enhances crawl rate etc
Advanced On Page SEO Techniques Strategies 2024
With the ever changing Google algorithm it is quite not easy to keep yourself updated all the time about the changes that have been made. But that is what can set you apart from others in the run and give you extra benefits. Following are some of the most important SEO techniques. Though the basic points and the newest techniques are not far apart from the previous ones, but the latest on page SEO techniques 2021 have definitely got some noticeable changes that must be considered.
Check mobile responsive
Check Site/Page Speed
Advanced Keyword Search Operators
Keywords placement
- Try to use your keywords in the title, URL and description.
- Use the primary keyword once in the first paragraph of your content.
- Always check keywords density in your content while adding keywords.
- Add LSI and long tail keywords in your content.
- For the best keywords ideas try to use keywords finder tools.
- Add keywords on the anchor text.
- Always check keywords difficulties(KD), volume while filtering the keywords.
Content optimization
Re-optimize of old content
- Get increase the CTR of that landing page
- Users always visit updated content
- Search engine like page that have fresh content
- Reduce bounce rate and exit rate of your site
- Increase leads of your site
- Get referral and direct traffic to your site
- Increase authority of your site.
Check Image format
- JPEG – Joint Photographic Experts Group
- PNG – Portable Network Graphics
- WebP
Image alt and title tags
- Name your image simple and specific.
- Choose proper image pixels while resizing the image.
- Alt attribute for images is one of the most important factors. Try to include relevant keyword while adding image alt attribute.
- There are three main file types for images- JPEG (or .jpg), PNG and GIF. Choose wisely the right file type for your images.
Never miss meta title & description
Add anchor text
- Choose an attractive word or line as anchor text so that people would like to click on that and land on the linked page for further reading.
- You can choose keywords as anchor text. But do not do it repeatedly.
- Anchor text should be relevant to the page content it is liked to.
- Link the anchor text to page that has detailed information about that particular topic rather than linking it to a website’s homepage.
- Keep the anchor text natural. Do not overdo by putting brand name keywords many times.
Interlinking to keywords
Check keyword prominence and proximity
Always use long tail keywords
- 301 Redirection
- 302 Redirection
Add a Sitemap
Add Schema tags or FAQ schema markup
- Organization/Knowledge Schema Markup
- Local Business Schema Markup
- FAQ schema markup
- Product & Offer Schema Markup
- Breadcrumbs Markup
- Video Schema Markup
- Date Snippet Markup
- Recipe Schema Markup
- Rating/Review Schema Markup
- Event Schema Markup
- Person Schema Markup
Check page URLs
- Put a simple and understandable url.
- Do not use capital letters.
- Always put ‘–‘in between the words in the url and try to avoid other special characters.
- You can use keywords in url but do not repeat.
- Block search engine from crawling multiple urls to the same content with robots.txt.
- Add a 301 redirect in case you are changing the url that has already been crawled by search engine.
Core Web Vitals
Minify CSS and JS
Fixed 404 errors
- Redirect the 404 page to a relevant page of your website.
- Remove the URLs of 404 pages from website’s Sitemap.xml and Re-submit the Sitemap.xml to search engine.
- Always check 404 and soft 404 from you search console property
Add canonical tag
OG (Open Graph) tags
Low text – HTML ratio
Apply E-A-T concept
Call lead button on blog
Check search algorithm
If you have launched a site and now going to do the on page audit then, the first step would be you have to check your site mobile friendly or not. Today most of the users are coming from the mobile as compared to the desktop. So if your website page or URL is not mobile responsive then you will might get lose many users on your site and might be ranking also. So always check URL of your site is that mobile friendly or not. If your site is not mobile friendly then you have to contact to developer or if you have WordPress site then you can choose mobile friendly WordPress theme.
Always check your site mobile friendly page from your site. According to the survey 80% of the users browsing the internet from their mobile device. So you must have to know the importance of mobile friendly page.
According to latest data of last years, 53% of global website traffic generates from mobile devices (excluding tablets). This shows how important your website to be mobile friendly. Making information easier to find in your website that people frequently look for, good website speed, proper button sizes and font, free of text blocking ads and pop-ups, simple website design etc are important in making a website mobile friendly. If you site is not mobile friendly then you can might be get not rank on the top position of the SERP page according to the Mobilegeddon algorithm.
Page speed is one of the great factors to define your site, so always try to minimize page speed as much as possible. Page speed is the amount of time that takes to load the request from server that fire from the user side. There are many factors that impact on your page speed.
What Does Affect Page Speed?
Image optimization: Always try to reduce image size when you are going to upload an images on your site. Try to use WebP, PNG or JPEG image format.
Enable compression: If you will compress larger file on your site then your server take less time to load and that result in increase the site speed.
Remove dead code and CSS: Make sure that if any CSS or JS file that are unused then remove those CSS and JS file so that it reduce page speed by consuming download bandwidth and browser processing.
Check Server: If your target users are from USA then try to take server from USA only as recommended and take dedicated or cloud server for the best response time.
There are many keyword search operators that is very useful during your SEO project that help to find the exact things that you are looking for. If you are doing on page or off page SEO for your project then these keywords operators will help you in that and you will get the best result.
Few advanced keywords operators
~ ~Shoes
This result show Include synonyms and LSI keywords in the search engine.
+ +Shoes
This show the exact-match result on a single phrase keywords.
inanchor inanchor:”on page SEO”
Find pages linked that contain this anchor text for that specific keywords.
Intitle: intitle:”SEO vs SEM”
This keyword operator find only in the tile that contain keywords related to SEO vs SEM and show the exact match result on the search engine page.
Before you go for ‘content is the king’, you should know that it is the keywords that make content the king is the best strategy for the advanced on-page SEO. Thorough research on keywords should be made before you start writing your content. Google is behaving smarter than before regarding keywords. Use your targeted keywords throughout the content but don’t overdo it. Keyword stuffing is a BIG NO in SEO.
Now Google can catch the synonyms or similar keywords as well and tries to show the best results when someone ask for the same. you can use these keywords finder tools keywordtool.io, wordstream.com, wordtracker.com, moz.com, kwfinder.com, sermrush.com and google keywords planner for your projects.
Tips for keywords optimization
Content optimization is one of the best advanced SEO techniques that includes keywords on the top prominent places. Let’s describe it in two parts- quality content and fresh content. Quality content refers to content that is keyword rich, relevant and that contains proper information. If your website appears for a particular keyword search you should make it clear that your site has enough data and complete information of the topic.
Otherwise after landing on your page, if visitors do not get the proper relevancy of your content they will leave your site soon and never visit again this way you will not only lose traffic but also the bounce rate will increase, which is not at all good for any website. Google always prefers fresh content. So try to put new content and update the old ones in your website at regular interval of time.
This one of the great practice if you will re-optimize or update the old content of your website. If you will regularly update the content on your sites, then it will help search engine bot to understand that this site has updated their content and at same time your content might be rank on the 1st page of the SERP. That lead to get traffic and new users.
If your site is dealing with products or E-commerce then always try to add fresh products and remove the out of stock products, so that search engine can able to know about your site and users also might be bookmark your site.
How re-optimize content will help
What is the ideal length of a blog’? That’s a common question. Honestly, the answer is not much certain. There are different blogs in the internet that ranges from around 300-5000. But with recent data ideal blog length can be considered as in between 2000-2500. But it is not necessary that every blog need to be that lengthy. There are also many blogs with good number of readers that counts 1000-1500 words.
Without images sites looks not good and if you will add images on your website with content then it will help to the users and other persons who has landed on your page. Images are the best graphical presentation to describe the whole things in one words. So if you are using images then questions might be which image format we should use on our site? According the developers.google Webp is the best format image for any website that compress the images 26% smaller than the other formats like JPG, JPEG and PNG. We recommend you to use Webp image format, if you are not able to do that then you can use JPG which is quite best option as compared to the webp. If you want go in deep then you can prefer this article which
Types of Image Formats
JPG is one of the great picture quality that is mixture of different colors. This is the one of the oldest version of the web and standard format of camereas that were using on that time. JPG format also called image compression saver, that contain good quality with many color resolution.
PNG is quality based image format that get more popularity after the JPEG or JPG. Most of the website now using PNG format due to the quality and pixels. If you will add images in PNG format then is always retain quality but again size might be bigger as compared to JPEG or JPG. This format is also called rapid transitions that makes more colors and quality would be same. These types of format is also used in logos, icons and illustrations on the website.
WebP is an image format that is trending right now for the search engine friendly. WebP is a very good image compression as compared to PNG and JGP. This is compatible most of the browser and launched by the Google search engine. If you want your site image to load faster then you can go for WebP image format.
Image optimization simply refers to reducing the image size without harming the quality of the image so that it doesn’t lower the speed of the website. Also, in image SEO, optimization is done so that it gets a good rank in Google SERP. Following are some key techniques that you can use regarding image optimization:
Title is the very first thing your audience will notice. Getting a good title therefore is very important. Keep your title unique and try to include keywords. This will not only attract visitor’s attention but also will help in SEO purpose. According to latest on page SEO ideal length of a title is 50-60 characters. You should keep this in mind while finalizing your page titles.
So, the same way description is also important part of the any website. If your site is missing description the search engine bot will pick up any words from your site. So always add meta description for the best search enigne result that also help to recognize the search engine for the keywords and might be your site will rank on the SERP pages for that targeted keywords.
The anchor text is the text in between the content that leads you to another website or page which is hyperlinked. In HTML code that Google reads looks like this increase website traffic Here ‘increase website traffic’ is the anchor text that links you to one of ‘Tend To Read’s blogs. Anchor text is an important factor in SEO as it helps your website with backlinks. Now here are some points that you need to keep in mind while optimizing an anchor text:
Interlinking inside your own website is a good way of link building and increasing number of clicks. It helps in enhancing the page view of your site and also helps in page ranking. It is also good for decreasing bounce rate and keeps visitors stay in your site for a longer time.
This is one of the best on page SEO techniques where you can link one page to another page. If you have a page which is ranking at top position at the SERP result then you can link your un-ranked page to that rank page for the best traffic which will increase the website session and reduce the bounce rate.
Though most of the content writers or digital marketers don’t pay much attention to this but keyword prominence should be always taken into account. For example, in the below two sentences-
What are the latest techniques for search engine optimization
How to you optimize your site for better search engine results
The chance of ranking the website containing the first line is more for a search in Google for ‘search engine optimization’. Moreover, keyword proximity is also an important factor. The distance between the individual keywords of the search terms should be less for better results.
The competition is high these days. To achieve a good rank for a common and short term keyword is tough. Long tail keywords help you with this. Long tail keywords are easy to rank for any query at the SERP page. Suppose if you are targeting keywords backlinks then try to add keywords like How to generate backlinks and how to create backlinks these keywords will help your blog or site to get rank for the long tail keywords and after 6 to 12 months you might be also rank for generic keywords. So long tail keywords always provide good amount of traffic to any sites, so don’t try to ignore this types of SEO techniques. You can also prefer this article for the long tail keywords.
This is another great step for any websites, if you have static or dynamic site and you are doing the redirection of any URLs, so which redirection you need to folllow or need to do. If you will do the wrong redireciton of your top prominent pages then you can might be loss your site traffic and users. That are landing on your site.
Types of redirection
301 Redirection: This is permanently moved redirection which is one of the most used during the redirection, So if you are moving your old landing page to new landing page permanently then you have to use 301 redirection. For this you can do it by manually or if you have WordPress website then you can use “Redirection Plugin” to re-direct pages.
302 Redirection: This is temporarily moved redirection, suppose if you have a page that you want only to use for festive season or for the lead purpose, then in that case you can use 302 redirection for your landing page. Also, Suppose if your site is going to under construction then you can temporarily redirect your page to different page which is called 302 redirect.
Using sitemap in optimizing a website is one of the best SEO techniques of all time. It not only influences in organizing a website properly but also helps search engine to crawl and index your site easily. This in turn increases the website’s visibility, allow visitors to dig more into the content which enables page links.
Schema Markup, is the language that tells to the search engine about your site and additional information which you wants to tell the users in form of schema markup. This advanced on page SEO works on coding information only for search engine to understand the behavior of the result. So if you will add schema markup on your site then it will increase CTR and user engagement on your site. Suppose if you have upcoming event for your business and want to show that events on the SERP pages then how can you tell to the search engine. Here schema markup play important role that works as a bridge for users and the search engine. Sometime this is also called structured data, that design your site structure of your site. There are three language schema markup can be written they are, JSON-LD, Microdata, RFDa.
Another one of the most important schema is FAQ schema, here you can generate FAQ schema with help of schema generator and add on your site. This will also reflect on the SERP page if any users fire a query that related to question based. So try to add these schema also to your site or blog for the best user experience.
If you want to create schema markup for your site then you can use structured data markup helper with help of search console. (This works only when you have search console access) or manually you can use rankranger to create schema markup. If you want to check your site schema markup then you can check it from schema markup validator.
Types of Schema Markup
A great content will be a waste if it doesn’t put to an appropriate url to be found by the search engine. The basic and foremost things to be implemented in url optimization are:
Core web vitals is another great features of your site that define the user experiences of your website or blog. If your core web vitals score is low that means your user experience on your page is very that and it will increase bounce rate of your site that might be bad impact for your site. Core web vitals measure three inputs like LCP, FID and CLS. These metrics are important for a landing page and domain both.
For LCP if your site is loading within 2.5 second then it will count as good performance, while if it will load beyond 4.0 second then it will count as poor.
For FID if first input is within 100ms then it will count as good while if input is beyond 300ms then first input delay performance is poor.
CLS it measure about the layout, so if layout is load within 0.1 second then it will count as good while if it take 0.25 then it will count as poor layout shift.
You can check core web vitals details of your site from page speed insights, from search console and chrome light house. In search console you cal select your property then scroll down little bit right side and you can found CORE WEB VITALS section from here you can able to know all the status of your site.
If your site contain design, layout and using too many scripting code, then you must have too look into this. This is most important factors in advanced on page SEO that people must to aware about it. If you want to know which CSS or JS file is reducing site speed then you can try pagespeed.web.dev and enter your site URL or landing page for the best result. Here you can find many more things related to your site. Like here you can check your site performance on Mobile and Desktop so what ever you want to check you can check it. So if you have found the path of the CSS and JS and want to minfy then, for the minfication you can use this minifier tools to minify JS and CSS.
To remove 404 page or not found errors are very important for any website specially if your website is your bread earner. Because in such case you would not like to lose even a single customer and having 404 error creates a bad user experience. Whether 404 error removal impacts in Google ranking or not- doesn’t have a fixed answer, but it is definitely one of the most important SEO on page techniques. You can also find your site’s 404 or soft 404 errors from the search console. Go to the search console property >>Coverage>>check error >>warning>> excluded page and many more errors things that only reflect on your search console property. From here you can remove those error easily or else your can prefer any third party tools also. So, here’s how to remove 404 error:
Robots.txt is an instruction guide for the search engines that tells which part of your website should be crawled. Without robot.txt your website might face SEO errors, indexation problems and might even be easily hacked. To avoid these issues you must create a robots.txt file and save your website from negative ranking and traffic.
Canonical tags are still important to prevent the duplicate pages in the search engine. So if you are working on E-commerce platform then this tag must be important for you. Suppose if you are landed on the top level URL like ABC.COM/PRODUCTS and you have added a filter that contains highest to lowest price. Then again URL would be display as ABC.COM/PRODUCTS?higest-to-lowest, so after adding filter is will create another same URL that might be cause duplicacy in the search engine. So that to prevent, duplicate you must have to add canonical tag on you site to tells the search engine right URL of your site.
Open graph is very important for any website to get good presence meta tags on the social media channel when you are going to share your site’s URL. So if your site is not using OG then might be you can loss a lot of user and CTR on your site. If your content or blog is more attractive on the social media then other users also want to share your blog URL on different social media profile, so if you have not added OG (Open Graph) then that meta title and description will not appear and you have to write by yourself. So that will also help to get auto add meta tags when you will add OG tags on your site. If you have WordPress site then you can use Yoast Plugin and Alll in one SEO plugin for the OG graph. You can find them in the
section of the HTML page and tag code looks like with < meta property=" og:title"before a property name are Open Graph tags. Create your own OG tag with help of https://ogp.me/This is another great advanced level on page SEO that deal with HTML and the content. If you have design site that HTML ratio is higher than content then you must have to add content so that content ratio should be higher as compared to the HTML. Adding more content on your site will help to rank on the search engine. So if you have HTML ratio higher then, need to reduce as soon as possible.
EAT stands for Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness. If your content is not following EAT rule then you might be lack somewhere and you will not able to get rank on the search engine due to this SEO techniques.
Expertise: If your site content not written by well expertise person or newbie then your E value will be go down. Suppose If any person get expertise in health and he is writing content on fashion then the expertise of the content will go down as he has knowledge about health and he must write a content on health not on fashion.
Authoritativeness: This mostly deal with your site authority or you can say how many backlinks your landing page getting and making authority on the search engine. So more backlinks more authority. Always create good authority of backlinks for your site.
Trustworthiness: As its sound TRUST so your site must be comply trust with users who are landing on your site. Always use secure connection and try to gain good positive review on your site or on your business on any platform, so that trustworthiness of your site will increase and users can able to trust on your site and search engine will show your result in terms of trust as compared to the others.
So if your blog is ranking on the first page of SERP then every business or blog owner want to get more and more leads. Some time users click that lead button and directly contact to the webmaster for their query. Most of webmaster are ignoring it but if you will add on your site and start getting lead after adding this banner then you can realize how this is useful for the site and business. Below we have added the call lead button banner that work perfectly for this blog. So in same you you can do for your business.
Google’s search algorithm keeps on changing with noticeable updates every time. For instance Google’s conversational search updates, BERT updates, Featured snippets duplication updates are search activity updates to be taken example of. It is important to keep a track of the major updates so that you can optimize your website according to the recent changes and do not lose your website traffic.
With proper analysis and implementation of on page SEO techniques one can rank his/her website on top of SERP. Important is to focus on continuity of work and recent updates so that the victory of first rank can be nourished forever.
Here we have added one of the best high level advanced on page SEO that includes everything. If you are launching a new website then these on page SEO checklist will help to your site to grow faster as compared to the other sites. Every years or every 6 months these techniques will be change but the concept will same that implemented on the any website. What ever we have added here is the core part of the advanced On page SEO thats include technical SEO and Basic On Page SEO stuff. So if you are not able to do that then you can contact to the developer and other person who has best knowledge on this on page SEO stuff. If you are using WordPress then few steps will done by the plugins but still few technical things you have to add it by self. This On page SEO valid for all platform like E-commerce or shopping site, blog, software providers, SAAS paltform, or any SEO providers company that are proving on page SEO services.
Read More Blog:
- Top SEO Companies in India
- Free Online SEO Tools For Website Analysis
- SEO Podcasts for Beginners
- Local SEO Marketing
- SEO Competitor Site Analysis Tools
This article is very helpful. Your article on the topic of Advanced On Page SEO Techniques is definitely useful for those who, like me, are new to websites. Keep posting!
Thanks for sharing this information with us. It s quite helpful for me know about the SEO techniques
Ohh great! Your checklist blown my mind. Thanks for sharing such amazing strategies and hope your knowledge will work for me. Keep posting!