25+ How to Increase Organic Traffic of Website 2024
There are many ways to increase organic traffic to website, but not all of them are good which one you have select according to your category and your niche to get the organic traffic. You have to do analysis and make Is there any easy ways to drive massive traffic to your website? What are the new ways of website ranking in 2024? If you are dealing with a website, these questions are common. So, in the new year, when everyone is busy partying, a digital marketer is busy thinking or even Google the new algorithms to know how to increase organic traffic to your website in 2024!! That’s how a digital marketer celebrates- ranking high in Google!
To rank first page of the search engine organically, it is a must that you have a great traffic to your site. Whether backlinks, attractive title, good quality content, proper keyword insertion, building online relationships, online campaigns and schema markup, there are a lot of ways, tools and software, paid or free to help you out with generating traffic to your website. You should choose wisely, use the ones sufficiently good for great results and proceed with the ones that will be fruitful in the future as well. Here are some highlights for you to know the ways of increase organic traffic in 2024.
Tips how to increase organic traffic in 2024
Build relationship
The effect of backlinks in Google ranking is powerful. But at the same time it is very difficult as well to create backlinks or connecting people to your site when you are new in the industry and nobody actually knows your name. The initial thing you need to focus in such situation is to build relationship. Some major techniques of building online relationship are:
- To be active on social media
- Be transparent with your audience. For attracting people you need not have to show false flowery things. Just be honest
- Guest post for people already established in the industry
- Write reviews for other websites
- You can add other website’s link in your own site. This not only creates brand awareness but also creates opportunity for you to get a backlink in return
- You should customize your content according to your audience’s interest. Do in depth study before you proceed with the content
Create video content
It’s a fact that people find it more interesting when they see a video rather than going through lengthy text. The objectives of a website or any product or service descriptions can be exhibit more accurately and in a more attractive way through video content in a website. So adding a video to your website can engage your audience better. For any business or company dealing with products can even use a video in their website to demonstrate their products, new launches and even discounts. Some videos can be there with their customer’s story who already have used their products. This way the products and the website looks more trustworthy. One important SEO factor for higher organic ranking of website is how long a visitor stays in the website. Videos keep the audience involved in your site, click a link or make a purchase and that is a great way to increase organic traffic free.
Infographics are short, informative and can give the summery of long website content at a glance. People browsing the internet always prefer such kind of time saving options. So these easily understandable and eye-catching infographics always attract people more than just elaborating texts. So, when people see an infographic they are more likely to click on that, like that, share that and help your website indexed by Google for a higher rank in SERP organically. There are many free online tools for creating infographcs. Some popular ones are:
- Canva
- Snappa
- Vizualize
- Piktochart
- InFoto Free
Improve page speed
If you are thinking of how to get organic traffic for your website, you have to make sure that your website is acting fast! Page speed is an important factor in SEO. Following the Google algorithm it indeed affects in page ranking in SERP. It also indirectly affects in increasing bounce rate and that effects badly in SEO. So whether the visitor is opening your website in a desktop or in a mobile, it is important that you maintain a good page speed of your website. Here are some ways for how to increase website page speed:
- You can compress the sizes of the CSS, JavaScript, HTML files
- Optimizing your code works well in boosting your page speed
- Use CDNs. Content distribution network is a geographically distributed network to provide the users a faster and highly reliable access to your site
- Optimizing your images (JPEG or PNG) is important. You can also use CSS sprint to combine all the images that is used in the website frequently into a larger image that load all at once. Each time the main page redirects to some other page through additional redirecting links, it takes time for the website to open that redirecting page. So it is should be taken care of that you reduce redirects
Build high Trust Flow backlinks
Just getting backlinks to your site is not very important, but the most important thing is that the backlinks should be of high quality. Getting backlinks from websites of high trust flow can smoother out the process of ranking your website too. You can focus on the keywords that are searched frequently in search engines and create backlinks on that. You can focus on branded keywords as well or mentioning your own brand if it is famous enough to get a click from visitors. You can also add other’s brand name and create a link by adding their source.
Optimized Google My Business listing
GMB (Google My Business) listing helps businesses to give a public identity and a listing in Google makes you more trustworthy. It is very essential for businesses seeking for local exposure. Along with other valuable information about your business (like business hour, address, reviews etc.) people can also find your website by GMB listing and that’s a good way to get traffic to your website free.
Unique quality content with internal links
The first reply to the question of how to get traffic to your website fast is unique quality content. Unique quality content and keyword rich content is the most essential part of successful SEO. When your content is crafted creatively, it automatically attracts people to visit your website and click on the links provided in the content. For internal links, you can give links of the other pages of your website in the homepage to tell people to know about your website information in details. If you can do it in a good way, it helps a lot in increasing the site traffic.
Target long tail keywords
The main reason for why you should concentrate on using long tail keyword is that, it is much easier to rank better for long tail keywords than the common keywords that are searched frequently which will also help to your website to rank organic in the SERP page. More long the keyword is the more it will be specific. So, the visitors that have found your website using similar keywords have high potential of turning into a loyal customer of your products or services or a true reader of your content.
Guest blogging
You have quality content, you have a very good idea or information to share with your audience, and now you are thinking how to drive massive traffic to your website so that you can target large audience and share your thought with them? Start guest blogging. Target high authority guest posting sites, build relation with the website owner and approach for guest blogging. It is a very effective way for getting exposure to large audience, brand awareness and has tremendous SEO benefits. Always use EAT algorithm for during guest posting.
Update & optimize old Blog Posts
Google always prefers fresh content. If your website is ranking first in Google SERP for a particular keyword today, it is not necessary that it will always be at the same position. According to Google’s algorithm that keeps on changing time by time, your website may lost it’s position if not updated and optimized properly. It is not just adding into the bucket but also keep on checking that all are fresh and full grown! Here are few tips regarding blog optimization:
- Do your research and try to add the new things/information relating your content
- Use the keywords properly
- Optimize the images
- Use social media to exhibit more
- Refer other bloggers or websites in your content with a link to their profile. That’s a good way of getting quality backlinks
Influencer marketing
Influencer marketing is a crucial part of digital advertising. It includes social media marketing and content marketing. Here the brands approach the influencers to market their products or services or their brand name as a whole, through their channels and thus targeting greater and new audiences.
Competitor analysis
This is best and easiet way to get free and paid organic traffic with help from your competitor analysis.If people searching in Google for something that your business can offer, why not to show them that you have the right solution? Run an audit on your end for your competitor sites and do analyse and then create a strategies on that things and make that things to be in practical. There are may SEO tools available which provides you to do analysis on your competitor sites and get their traffic strategies.
Do interviews and podcasts
Podcast is the newest form of radio for the digital generation. Marketing podcasts and podcast advertisements are a good way to connect with your customers and let them know about your offers, discounts, new launches etc. You can conduct interviews of guest speakers who are well established in the industry. If you interview someone they definitely will like to share your podcast in their own platforms and thus your podcast will be promoted too. This works very well in promoting your business digitally.
Blogging is a good practice
Advertising your website through blogging or blog marketing is a brilliant way of digital marketing. Blogging opens up the door for your website audience to know anything related to your brand. It also helps in SEO for your website. If your blogs pops up for relevant keywords when people search in search engine, you will definitely get a click from the audience and it helps a lot in gathering traffic to your website. Also when you post updated and fresh content on regular basis, it creates a brand reputation and people starts believing about how knowledgeable, updated and active you are in the industry.
Event marketing
Event marketing strategies allows you to kill two birds with one stone. Through event marketing you can promote your website and the upcoming events at the same time. You can use your website directly in the registration process so that when people try out for registering your website gets a click too. Secondly, whether its social media or any offline promotions like distributing handouts, brochures or banners, you can mention your website there. A very effective way of driving massive traffic to your website is that you can held a contest in your event and later on announce the name of the winner in your website. People who have participated in the contest (or even who haven’t) will always be curious to know the result and they will be stay tuned with your website.
Host workshops/training
Why will people be interested in your website if they don’t get a benefit out of it! If you create workshops and training on your website’s topic of interest that can help you attract your audience to click your website and take part in the workshop and be benefited. You can provide the participants with a certificate after successful completion of the workshop.
Repurpose contents
Repurposing (e.g. from blog post to video, video to podcast, podcast to quote graphics, and/or memes) content doesn’t really mean copy pasting same content in different mediums. Rather, it says that taking the same idea, you can recreate the content creatively to post in different platforms. The major benefit it gives is that you need not have to spend more and more time discovering new ideas each time for each and every platform and that makes your work much easier. Also there are different audiences for different platforms and they have different styles and mindset to accept a concept. So when you mould your content according to your audience at different platforms, they can easily relate to your content. For example, if you post a travel blog about a place in your blog page, you can create a video of that place and post it in your channel. Similarly, if your content is having excessive data or statistical information, you can create an infographic or mini graphics to summarize it. Memes are getting much interest from people over social media now-a-days. Creating something funny and interesting to involve more and more people is a good way to attract people towards your actual content part. Smart work is sometimes better than hard work and reusing your content to increase organic traffic to your website proves the same.
Create FREE basic webinar
Webinars allow real time interactions between you and your clients or customers. It is a great way to connect with your audience upfront and share your ideas. It is indeed a great way to promote your company, products or services. It is very useful in increasing brand awareness. If you want to create a free basic webinar, initially you can start your with Google+ Hangout on Air. For that you need to-
- Customize your webinar properly so that your audience can enjoy it
- Invite your audience
- Broadcast your webinar
There are some other software as well for creating webinars that charge as per number of attendees, recordings, live support etc. GoToWebinar, AnyMeeting, ClickWebinar are some popular software.
Email marketing
Email marketing is an extremely important business marketing strategy especially for customer acquisition. Big or small every company prefers email marketing. It costs low and do not require difficult techniques to operate the whole process. Here you can customize the email according to your customer’s interest and even can address each one of them individually in the email. According to a study, emails with subject lines with the recipient’s name are 26% more likely to be clicked by the receiver. Most of the email marketing software allows to track the email marketing campaign records like number of deliveries, number of clicks, responses etc. This helps in approaching your loyal customer in future and targeting the potential customers.
Into the social media glam!
There are 7.7 billion people in the world and 3.5 billion people uses social media. This itself is the answer for why social media shares are so important in connecting with people worldwide. When you are done with creating a great content, it is the time you share it with more and more people and try to impress them with your ideas. If people like your content they will again share it in their own profile and thus your ideas, thoughts or your brand name will be promoted to every corner of the world. Whether Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest, YouTube or any other social media sites, you should make it your habit to post and share your content in social media sites regularly if you really want to promote your brand at the highest level and make people know and love your site.
Target good search volume keywords
The very basic and the most important factor of successful SEO is keyword. Using proper keywords at proper time, at proper place, with proper repetition does the actual magic. So, one should be very wise in choosing the keywords and using them carefully in the content that will help organic result. Along with log tail keywords, keywords having good search volume should be targeted and used accurately. Here are some popular keyword search tools and ways that can help you with finding trending keywords for your next content topic or some good search volume keywords to be inserted in your write ups-
- Buzzsumo
- SEMRush
- Google keyword planner
- Google search console
- Google searches related to
- Google people also ask
- Social media like- Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Pinterest etc.
Reviews and testimonials
Reviews and testimonials are very important to advertise a product and convince a customer along with growing website traffic. Online shopping is on heights today. The very scheduled and busy generation always prefers online shopping. And most of the time, they choose to buy a product seeing the reviews the previous customers have uploaded. Some highlights-
- Make it easier for customers to upload a review. Pop up massages, space for sharing their experience with a ‘submit’ button or options for audio or video review can help in getting customers review easily.
- You can display your customers review on your website. This not only helps in proving you trustworthy but also helpful from SEO perspective
- If you get a very entertaining review, you can post it in social media linking your website with the post. That will be also useful in getting more traffic to your website
- You can use product review tools to manage reviews, sending follow up emails, integrating reviews from social media etc. Few such tools are: Kudobuzz, Yotpo, Shopify etc
Optimize contents for voice search
Whether a tablet, smartphone, Google Home, Amazon Echo or iPhone’s Siri, the use of voice search is increasing day by day. Especially for finding out local places, get directions, finding out restaurants, weather report or placing order for any products, people prefers voice search in most of the time. Seeing that, now optimizing content to make it more reliable for voice search has become a good way to increase more website traffic. Here are some tips to optimize content for voice search-
- If you haven’t claimed your business in Google My Business listing, do it ASAP. Claiming your business in Google My Business listing provides more information about your establishment and increases the chance of showing up in the relevant voice search.
- Optimize your content to be more understandable, easily readable, simple and to the point.
- Targeting long tail keyword is a must in optimizing your content for voice search. Voice search techniques work a bit different way than the usual text search. Here rather than more keyword focused content, you need to think about how people speak or what can be the probable ways of conversation while someone is doing a voice search. You can use Google Search Console to check the actual searches that are bringing the audience to your site.
- Write an excellent microdata. A proper microdata will help your website to be crawled by Google and use it as the answer to relevant voice search queries.
Build a free community
Online communities and discussion forums are some very good platforms for the like-minded people to stay connected. It is a nice medium to expose your views, go through other’s opinions, know other’s choices and interests and study the industry climate. For example, you can create a slack community. Though slack is basically related to a company’s employee group, but now a days there are free open slack communities where more and more people from the industries can join and stay updated. One of the major benefits of business marketing through slack open forums is that you will face less competition there and thus can have more attention from people of similar interests.
Similarly creation of a facebook group can add much benefit to a company’s profile. It is a great way to connect with people in social media. Not only that you can get organic traffic to your website fast but also you can promote your content in many different and interesting ways through facebook groups. There are also some alternatives to facebook groups which you can take up to build a community and keep in touch with your audience. Kajabi communities, Tribe, Telegram groups are some of them.
LinkedIn is also a good platform for networking. It also has some free forums where you can join, participate in different conversations and come in front. The more interesting thing is that there are so many features in online communities to promote your content and that’s all for free. Whether it’s a website, a blog site, a company’s profile, products or services if you are thinking of starting something for free and get some good responses through the same, create a group in the free online platforms and start engaging people.
Resource link building
Resource page link building is one of the most popular and result oriented link building technique that is adopted by many marketing professionals and SEO experts. Resource page link building is done for getting backlinks from web pages that curate and link out to useful industry resources. The page consists of links that connect third party resources. You can reach out the creator of such resource pages and suggest them your own content’s link if you really think you will be a good fit for that resource page. Most of the time the creators itself ask for a suggestion and add a form in the page. You can reach out to them through these forms itself. Firstly you need to search for relevant resource pages, examine the pages and then suggest your resource.
One of the chief reasons of adding freebies in a website is to can get your audience’s email addresses. The list of email addresses you will collect through this is really a genuine one and has highest potential of loyal customers or readers. Wherever you put the freebie option in your website, at the header, side bar, as pop up massages or at your home page, make sure it is easily accessible to your audience and put download button wherever required.
Here are some freebie ideas you can add in your website to engage your audience and increase organic website traffic:- You can add an ebook as freebie.
- You can conduct a quiz or an assessment as freebie
- Checklists are good as freebies
- Video clips or audio recordings are great as freebies
If you can share your resource list as freebie, that’s excellent! Sharing your referral from reliable resources not only will increase your freebie users but will also prove that you are a professional.