How To Delete Multiple Tweets From Twitter Account
If you have a twitter account and want to delete multiple tweets from your twitter account then there are many tools available from deleting multiple tweets from twitter. Many times people don’t know about how to delete multiple tweets from twitter account. In twitter, there is no option for deleting multiple tweets from your account. If you want to delete all tweets from your account then you need to delete your twitter account but this step also critical for your because you will losses your all followers and which you have following. So it’s better to find tools for deleting tweets manually which I want to delete.
Suppose you have posted one or more than one tweets, two or three months ago and your boss tell that these tweets are no more important for us, delete these tweets. From then you start deleting tweets one by one after some time you get bored and you feels annoyed. So you start searching tools online which delete multiple tweets. There are many tools available for deleting multiple tweets from twitter.
How to delete multiple tweets from Twitter
There are many tools are available for delete tweets from twitter but Here we will talk only two most famous online tool which are available for delete multiple tweets from twitter. One is paid and another one is free and cheap to use.
Twitwipe is one of best online tool for deleting multiple tweets from your twitter accounts. This tool is free and easy to use. Twitwipe delete or wipe all tweets which you want to delete tweets from your account.
- Step: 1
Open website and click on start button.
- Step: 2
Then scroll down little bit and fill up captcha or puzzle which shown on this website and click on proceed.
- Step: 3
After clicking of proceed new window appears for accessing your twitter authorize account, If you want to delete then you need to click on Authorize app, when you have click on authorize app then wait for a moment page will be redirected to twitwipe account.
- Step: 4
Now you will be redirected to twitwipe account with your twitter account, twitwipe ask you for deleting your tweets. Then click on Yes for deleting or wipe your tweets. Now your tweets start deleting one by one so keep calm and wait for message till delete.
This is a paid tool but too effective and selective tool means another words tweets which you want to delete, select that tweets and delete it. But this option is available for paid members if you have non –paid members of this tool then they give an option for deleting five ( 5 ) tweets per day. Which is not enough but they give an option for delete selective tweets.
How to delete tweets from
- Step: 1
Open and click on Sign in with Twitter
- Step: 2
When you clicked on sign in with twitter then new pop up window appears for authorizing your twitter account which can access you few details.
- Step: 3
Now new dashboard opened with your total counts of your tweets. Select tweets which you want to delete if you are paid member you can delete more than five tweets per day but if you are non – paid member then you can delete only five tweets per day.
- Step: 1
How to delete multiple tweets with Twitwipe with step by step:
If once your tweets delete then there is not option for undo back your tweets so before deleting tweets keep in mind this words.
There is one disadvantage of twitwipe is that this tool not gives any option for delete selected tweets. So if you want to delete tweets by selecting your tweets then there are another tool which give option for select tweets which you want to delete, but this tool is paid. Name of tool is “ ”.
Here we have added how to delete multiple tweets from twitter account with two tools one tool is paid which have option for select tweets which you want to delete and another one is unpaid online tool which deletes all tweets if you click on yes.