460+ High DA Profile Creation Sites List SEO 2025

4.1/5 - (48 votes)

High DA Profile creation sites are also called profile linking sites which is one of the most dominant for SEO backlinks with Dofollow and you can also make your company profile with these websites which provides your company profile publicly to other users or company when they search for your business keywords on the search engine page or on the same web-page.

Most of the these sites are dofollow which provide your site to dofollow links and help your website to gain domain authority(DA) and increase other authority of sites. If you have a business, products and website then high DA profile backlinks are very useful for your sites or web-page to describe and explore your business with third parties.

For new users and if you are looking for a any leads then you can also accomplish this lead in form of this via you can create good profile for your business. In profile creation sites you have just signed up on the third party website and you can create your website or company profile and follow the others website to get interact with more users or viewers. Sometimes these sites help your business on the search engine for the ranking with your business keywords. These backlink creation sites are primary backlinks that you must have to do it first, because here you don’t need to spend any money. Here you have to just enter your company or site details with logo and summary that describe about your business.

What is Profile Creation Sites?

Those sites where you have to submit your business or sites details in brief with your company logo, description and URL. This is an off page SEO techniques where you have to sign up on these sites and create your profile for your business.

Here we have created latest profile that help for your business and sites.

  • https://educatorpages.com/site/tendtoread/pages/digital-education
  • https://the-dots.com/pages/tendtoread-575643

Through profile creation you can also do guest posting or post content on profile sites with your backlinks and many references sites. Which makes your website more strong in terms of authority.

  • https://www.apsense.com/article/unleashing-the-power-of-digital-marketing-transforming-your-business-in-the-digital-age.html
  • https://www.patreon.com/posts/mastering-10-for-95482792

Why Profile Creation Sites are Important for SEO?

These sites are one of the best way to get free high da profile backlinks for your client’s sites for the generating backlinks and getting link from each landing pages with anchor keywords. Through profile sites you can increase your site DA, PA, TF and referral backlinks. With help of business profile your site traffic will improve and you can also get to add deep backlinks from your site. Some Strategies provides dofollow backlinks which we have added the below. So if you want do-follow backlinks then again profile submission is still important for your backlinks. These sites are totally free and you can use for any project that boost your authority of sites. Some example of profile creation sites are medium.com, inc.com, siachen.com, webwiki.com, brandfetch.com and myspace.com/tendtoread.

dofollow backlinks for profile creation sites

Profile Creation Sites High DA

Sr. No Profile Creation Sites Domain Authority (DA)
1 https://www.patreon.com/tendtoread1/about 92
2 https://forum.repetier.com/profile/charlesjaye 49
3 https://midi.org/forum/profile/135724-tendtoread 66
4 https://cloodo.com/agency/tend-to-read 34
5 https://www.flickr.com/people/196194579@N05/ 92
6 https://www.siachen.com/tendtoread/ 25
7 undrtone.com/tendtoread 37
8 https://www.openstreetmap.org/user/Charles-Jaye 90
9 https://www.spreaker.com/user/11468954/sondre-rasch-auphonic 89
10 https://myspace.com/tendtoread 95
11 https://lyfepal.com/charlesjay 34
12 https://www.divephotoguide.com/user/tendtoread 66
13 https://www.hackathon.io/tendtoread 50
14 https://mastodon.social/@tendtoread 82
15 https://www.reddit.com/user/tendtoread 91
16 https://devnet.kentico.com/users/496251/charles-jaye 56
17 https://www.theverge.com/users/tendtoread01 93
18 https://www.mixcloud.com/charlesjaye/ 92
19 https://topsitenet.com/profile/tendtoread/1064040/ 50
20 https://www.symbaloo.com/home/mix/13eP78AU9d 84
21 https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Profile/Charles-Jaye 93
22 https://www.youthkiawaaz.com/2021/09/what-is-digital-marketing-how-to-get-it-learn/ 61
23 https://www.bitsdujour.com/profiles/PZa1qy 73
24 https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/charles.jaye 89
25 https://muckrack.com/alok-singhjee 85
26 https://www.intensedebate.com/people/charlesjaye 86
27 https://www.slideserve.com/TendtoRead 69
28 https://www.goldposter.com/members/tendtoread/profile/ 45
29 https://socialsocial.social/user/tendtoread/ 43
30 https://www.goodreads.com/user/show/133163068-charles-jay 93
31 https://www.blackhatworld.com/members/charlesjay.1861191/#about 59
32 https://jayworld.gumroad.com/ 91
33 https://www.youtube.com/c/Tendtoread/about 99
34 https://www.cheaperseeker.com/ 48
35 https://www.onfeetnation.com/ 51
36 https://myopportunity.com/profile/charles-jaye/nw 51
37 https://medium.com/@charlesjaye 95
38 https://www.buzzbii.com/charlesjaye 41
39 https://developers.oxwall.com/user/charles77 51
40 https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=fnIhsqwAAAAJ 99
41 https://letterboxd.com/charles55/ 84
42 https://coub.com/tendtoread 89
43 https://www.scoop.it/u/tendtoread 92
44 https://www.inc.com/companyprofile 92
45 https://zenwriting.net/09gbuso62e 54
46 https://brandfetch.com/tendtoread.com 26
47 https://www.diigo.com/profile/charlesjaye 53
48 https://www.sbnation.com/users/tendtoread01 90
49 https://www.bark.com/en/us/company/tendtoread/GAXqG/ 71
50 https://www.indiegogo.com/individuals/31600823 92
51 https://www.sbnation.com/users/charlesjaye 90
52 https://www.walkscore.com/people/261892737630/charles 78
53 https://www.codemade.io/user/alexjay/ 35
54 https://www.buzzfeed.com/ 93
55 https://twistok.com/charlesjaye 38
56 https://zeef.com/profile/alex.jay 64
57 https://www.free-ebooks.net/profile/1393556/charles 53
58 https://educatorpages.com/site/tendtoread/pages 65
59 https://lwccareers.lindsey.edu/profiles/2927141-chalres-jaye 48
60 https://issuu.com/tendtoread 94
61 https://statvoo.com/website/tendtoread.com 46
62 https://www.infoq.com 86
63 https://slides.com/tendtoread 82
64 https://www.passivehousecanada.com/members/charlesjaye 44
65 https://www.twitch.tv/charlesjaye 93
66 https://stackshare.io/tendtoread/tendtoread 57
67 https://sites.google.com/view/blog-to-guest-post 99
68 https://www.deviantart.com/tendtoread 90
69 https://flipboard.com/@tendtoread/tendtoread-4ej71ib8z 91
70 https://repo.getmonero.org/charlesjaye 66
71 https://myfists.com/listing/tendtoread.com 13
72 https://www.longisland.com/profile/tendtoread 75
73 https://www.producthunt.com/@tendtoread 90
74 https://www.webwiki.com/tendtoread.com 51
75 https://www.sandiegoreader.com/users/tendtoread/ 76
76 https://peatix.com/user/20453545/view 84
77 https://vahuk.com/user/charlesjaye/ 32
78 https://quickbooks.intuit.com/learn-support/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/1237595 91
79 https://unsplash.com/@tendtoread 90
80 https://www.credly.com/users/charles-jaye.93e54695/badges 66

Above all sites are created by us, as example of profile sites by the Tendtoread.com team. Here we have added our profile created sites that help you to create backlinks for your site or business products. Above all sites are working fine and have good DA with good authority. Create your profile and add your websites, social channel, contact details and your working details and many more things, here you can also create portfolio of your business and you can share with other users to make your business more branded.


Tips for profile creation sites

  • Never add fake E-mail Ids
  • Add all details which related your business/Websites
  • Keep updated your social channel profile
  • Add your CEO dashboard on profile creation sites
  • Use your business E-Mail Id
  • Add tags and keywords related to your business
  • Fill the Description and About section of your business details
  • Keep follow others business websites
  • Make your business reputation higher
  • Never exchange links
  • Add companies funding details
  • Find the best keywords from SEMRUSH keyword magic and Keyword planner

Dofollow Profile Creation Sites List

Sr. No Profile Submission Sites
1 producthunt.com
2 https://www.directoryscape.net
3 www.trustpilot.com
4 https://www.gotolinks.net
5 betalist.com
6 www.purevolume.com
7 www.blokube.com
8 www.fimfiction.net/
9 https://findaspring.org/
10 www.idealist.org/en
11 www.digitalocean.com/community/
12 www.bebee.com
13 wealthyaffiliate.com
14 www.warriorforum.com
15 datafox.com
16 www.atlasobscura.com
17 www.storereviews.in
18 www.bloggernity.com
19 www.audioboom.com
20 stackshare.io
21 yarabook.com
22 qubeshub.org
23 www.boredpanda.com
24 sketchfab.com
25 www.toolbox.com
26 www.billburg.com
27 guildwork.com
28 contractiq.com
29 www.forexfactory.com
30 www.discogs.com
31 multichain.com
32 www.dohtheme.com/community
33 www.portfoliobox.net
34 growthhackers.com
35 www.ultraimg.com
36 kasperskyclub.com
37 www.bloglisting.net
38 politichatter.com
39 www.blogtopsites.com
40 godotengine.org
41 www.affilorama.com
42 www.freelancersunion.org
43 www.levo.com
44 www.fanpop.com
45 www.authorea.com
46 www.getsatisfaction.com
47 forums.cat.com
48 www.billion7.com
49 www.managewp.org
50 www.mootools.net
51 www.shutterstock.com
52 gust.com
53 angel.co
54 dribbble.com
55 www.lifeofdad.com
56 www.bingplaces.com
57 www.seenit.in
58 pastebin.com
59 www.sitejabber.com
60 www.bloglovin.com
61 www.bravesites.com
62 www.wattpad.com
63 www.mstoic.com
64 www.plaidforwomen.com
65 www.librarything.com
66 www.storeboard.com
67 www.carbonmade.com
68 www.popxo.com
69 www.visual.ly
70 www.semfirms.com/profile
71 quickbooks.intuit.com
72 themeforest.net
73 www.mightycause.com
74 www.dpreview.com
75 triberr.com
76 ello.co
77 www.sbnation.com
78 www.elink.io
79 www.appbrain.com
80 knoji.com
81 www.doyoubuzz.com/
82 www.bookcrossing.com
83 www.maxforlive.com
84 www.flipboard.com
85 www.hubpages.com
86 www.gamespot.com
87 www.mobypicture.com
88 www.quibblo.com
89 www.craftsy.com
90 www.clives-wines.com
91 www.edocr.com
92 www.triberr.com
93 forums.databricks.com
94 www.growthhackers.com
95 amara.org
96 www.theverge.com
97 tweakit.org.uk
98 www.feedspot.com
99 www.moz.com
100 aboutus.com
101 www.the-ninth-age.com/community
102 www.mouthshut.com
103 miarroba.com
104 www.authenticpros.com
105 www.tetongravity.com
106 www.houzz.com.au
107 www.supportduweb.com
108 www.sqlservercentral.com/forums/
109 www.myanimelist.com
110 www.disqus.com
111 experiment.com
112 www.scirra.com
113 www.mendeley.com
114 www.buzzfeed.com
115 www.quora.com
116 www.brijj.com
117 profiles.xero.com
118 git.laquadrature.net
119 www.glassdoor.com
120 www.debate.org
121 www.trustmeter.co
122 www.tennis-motion-connect.com
123 www.turnkeylinux.org
124 connect.unity.com
125 micro.blog
126 worldsupporter.org
127 www.desidime.com
128 cycling74.com
129 www.medium.com
130 askopinion.com
131 qiita.com
132 www.electricart.com
133 www.fool.com
134 www.ambitionbox.com
135 www.dribbble.com
136 www.hackerrank.com
137 www.audimated.com
138 www.redbubble.com
139 www.plerb.com
140 www.dosplash.com
141 www.patreon.com
142 www.bibliocrunch.com
143 www.tomtop.com
144 www.awwwards.com
145 imageevent.com
146 www.jamf.com
147 www.flinkhub.com
148 www.trustedcompany.com
149 magcloud.com
150 www.edublogs.org
151 www.blognation.com
152 www.archilovers.com
153 network.changemakers.com
154 www.inbound.org
155 www.designnominees.com
156 www.wikigender.org
157 www.blogarama.com
158 bbpress.org/forums
159 www.appbackr.com
160 www.kiwibox.com
161 www.uplabs.com
162 www.reviewcentre.com
163 publiclab.org

Profile Creation Sites for Backlinks

Sr. No Backlink Creation Sites
1 grabcad.com
2 minds.com
3 www.kippee.com
5 www.mindmeister.com
6 www.dreamstime.com
7 www.4shared.com
8 www.xing.com
9 www.smartdatacollective.com
10 500px.com
11 www.podbean.com
12 www.symbaloo.com
13 www.prestashop.com/forums
14 anobii.com
15 webflow.com
16 www.box.com
17 www.queerty.com
18 wikidot.com
19 www.adsoftheworld.com
20 twitter.com
21 www.chordie.com
22 www.loopdesk.com
23 www.cloudytags.com
24 www.reddit.com
25 www.slideserve.com
26 www.listography.com
27 www.pbworks.com/
28 wanelo.com
29 my.desktopnexus.com/
30 www.artfire.com/
31 www.addthis.com
32 ranker.com
33 www.meraevents.com
34 www.jazz.net
35 activerain.com
36 www.ttlink.com
37 myanimelist.net/
38 www.answerbag.com
39 www.bagtheweb.com
40 www.mioola.com
41 stocktwits.com
42 www.smore.com/
43 www.prsync.com
44 creativemornings.com
45 infobarrel.com
46 bbs.boingboing.net
47 rakily.com
48 www.photopeach.com
49 www.kongregate.com
50 bookcrossing.com
51 www.bitsdaq.com
52 www.crunchbase.com
53 www.writerscafe.org
54 www.mootin.com
55 hearthis.at
56 www.thetoptens.com
57 lockerdome.com
58 www.intensedebate.com
59 sooperarticles.com
60 www.producthunt.com
61 www.ted.com
62 www.biggerpockets.com
63 storeboard.com
64 www.deviantart.com
65 www.letstalkbitcoin.com
66 evernote.com
67 pantip.com
68 www.kickstarter.com
69 beforeitsnews.com
70 www.crunchyroll.com
71 weheartit.com
72 nofilmschool.com
73 itsmyurls.com
74 www.technologyreview.com
75 www.couchsurfing.com
76 www.lawlink.com
77 colourlovers.com
78 audioboom.com
79 moodle.org
80 dev.to
81 partners.magento.com
82 pearltrees.com
83 www.reverbnation.com
84 piktochart.com
85 fancy.com
86 www.ecwid.com/forums
87 www.slideonline.com
88 magento.com
89 www.smashwords.com
90 mix.com
91 www.filmsforaction.org
92 photopeach.com
93 community.linksys.com
94 forum.cloudme.com
95 www.videomaker.com
96 www.coursera.org
97 edocr.com
98 www.socialmediatoday.com
99 ckeditor.com
100 www.psu.com/forums
101 devpost.com
102 dpreview.com
103 www.xfinity.com
104 www.speakingtree.in
105 anobii.com
106 mobypicture.com
107 www.fodors.com
108 www.zoomgroups.net
109 www.livejournal.com
110 sedo.com
111 devpost.com/
112 www.mediafire.com
113 www.alltrails.com
114 onmogul.com
115 en.gravatar.com
116 www.fark.com
117 www.rottentomatoes.com
118 www.manta.com
119 www.redgage.com
120 rhizome.org
121 www.magcloud.com
122 play.eslgaming.com/
123 steepster.com
124 imgur.com
125 flattr.com
126 play.eslgaming.com
127 www.photodune.net
128 www.bleacherreport.com
129 www.salesforce.com
130 intensedebate.com
131 www.powershow.com
132 releasewire.com
133 www.fotki.com
134 www.wikihow.com
135 kinja.com
136 slideserve.com
137 www.justlanded.com
138 www.tripit.com
139 www.elocal.com
140 slack.com
141 8tracks.com
142 alphacoders.com/
143 www.pinterest.com
144 codecademy.com
145 www.local.com
146 mediapost.com
147 www.yourlisten.com
148 www.linkorado.com
149 folkd.com
150 www.apsense.com
151 tictail.com
152 www.chatroll.com
153 www.bark.com
154 zotero.org
155 www.ibm.com
156 www.answers.com
157 greasyfork.org/en
158 www.behance.net
159 www.veoh.com
160 www.gapyear.com
161 stackoverflow.com
162 www.afternic.com
163 www.pentaxuser.com
164 www.artwanted.com
165 forum.parallels.com
166 www.theloop.com.au
167 visual.ly
168 www.liveleak.com
169 www.nfomedia.com
170 www.aol.com
171 www.fiverr.com
172 www.kiva.org
173 www.bluemaumau.org
174 about.me
175 www.buzzsprout.com
176 www.twitch.tv
177 www.muamat.com
178 www.citysquares.com
179 forums.bestbuy.com
180 www.etsy.com
181 www.23hq.com
182 www.wadja.com
183 www.audiojungle.net
184 orcid.org
185 carbonmade.com
186 www.metal-archives.com
187 www.chirbit.com
188 www.frontiersin.org
189 www.change.org
190 www.mywot.com
191 www.sandiegoreader.com
192 www.authorsden.com
193 www.phpbb.com/community
194 seekingalpha.com
195 www.spoke.com
196 gitlab.com
197 audiojungle.net
198 www.websitebuilder.com
199 letterboxd.com/
200 fodors.com
201 www.steepster.com
202 www.anotepad.com
203 www.scout.org
204 www.skyrock.com
205 www.threadless.com
206 www.academia.edu
207 www.tupalo.co
208 gifyu.com
209 express.yudu.com
210 www.steinberg.net/forums
211 www.askmehelpdesk.com
212 knowyourmeme.com
213 www.domestika.org
214 www.zillow.com
215 heromachine.com/forums
216 www.siftery.com
217 www.funadvice.com
218 www.flickr.com
219 www.diigo.com
220 www.fearsteve.com
221 peatix.com
222 www.rhizome.org
223 slides.com
224 veoh.com
225 www.zumvu.com
226 www.goodreads.com
227 hubpages.com
228 graphicriver.net
229 worldcosplay.net
230 www.knowem.com
231 www.aeriagames.com
232 forum.unity.com
233 www.folkd.com
234 getsatisfaction.com
235 sourceforge.net
236 forum.flightradar24.com
237 www.trepup.com
238 www.bigsoccer.com
239 community.windy.com
240 www.yakaz.com
241 www.pregame.com
242 www.instructables.com
243 soundcloud.com
244 bloggingqna.cgsociety.org
245 myvidster.com
246 www.giveawayoftheday.com/forums
247 www.simplesite.com
248 www.referralkey.com
249 pbase.com
250 www.scribd.com
251 express.yudu.com
252 pro.ideafit.com
253 clyp.it
254 godotengine.org
255 reviews.llvm.org
256 pro.ideafit.com
257 www.sqlservercentral.com
258 rewire.news
259 forums.cat.com
260 www.tetongravity.com
261 www.dead.net
262 www.archilovers.com
263 network.changemakers.com
264 publiclab.org
265 enetget.com
266 jobs.blooloop.com
267 sandbox.zenodo.org
268 www.idealist.org
269 grabcad.com
270 www.infobarrel.com
271 visualhunt.com
272 www.debate.org
273 www.seedandspark.com
274 repl.it
275 jobs.cncf.io
276 seedandspark.com
277 www.freedomworks.org
278 pregame.com

An Example How to Create Profile Creation Sites

So there are many ways to create a profile creation for your sites or your products. This process is manually so you don’t need to do it by running a program. Do it manually in a proper ways so that search engine will give your a authority to your profile so that it can benefits for you. So lets start creating profile for any sites.

Step – 1 First you have to do the sign-up on any of the website if you are visiting first time.
do the signup

Step – 2 After do the registration and verification of the email ID and you have to click on the account and then account setting. Then from here you have to update your details related to your business.
setup account

Step – 3 When you entered all the details after that on some website it will goes for the approval and on the some website it will reflect instantly. Below you can see an image that we have completed the profile creation for our website.
profile creations

Above we have added an example for one random sites, similary you can do for the other sites, but might be steps can be different but the way is the same.

Here we have added the top profile creation sites list with DA, all sites are working fine. If you want to explore your companies or get connected with the top firm then create your company’s profile for your brand and make your company known among to the other people. If you like this post give us your feedback by the below comment section. Also you can add your company details on directory sites and do the guest posting for your business.

Anup kumar, Editor

Anup is a blogger from India who is passionate about reading, writing, SEO, WordPress and blogging. He's very loving person, as should all right thinking people. You can get to his Facebook page by clicking Anup Kumar

25 Responses

  1. Lilac Homier says:

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  3. Sellve says:

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  4. Thanks for sharing high da profile creation sites list

  5. Usman Khan says:

    This big list of profile creation sites with domain authority ranking is very much helpful for any website or blog promotion. Thank you for sharing such informative post

  6. David Moss says:

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  10. Thanks for your great list of high DA profile creation sites. I checked them and created some profiles too. It’s very helpful for me.

  11. Mahabuba mim says:

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  12. Mohit says:

    This big list of profile creation sites with domain authority ranking is very much helpful for any website or blog promotion. Thank you for sharing such informative post ?

  13. David Moss says:

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    Thanks again.

  14. Perry Shelly says:

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  18. HiDude,

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  19. iweb Point says:

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  20. Your post is really helpful. Just keep this great work and keep helping us. I’ve created profile links from your list. Thanks a lot!

  21. Peter says:

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  22. Megrly says:


    This big list of profile creation sites with domain authority ranking is very much helpful for any website or blog promotion. Thank you for sharing such informative post 🙂

  23. Subhodip Das says:

    These are really nice sites and thanks lots to you for sharing this list. I have checked lots of lists but this one is best and effective. Keep it up. I have voted 5 stars to your content. Thanks again.

  24. To be honest mate, you made my day. I am working on some projects and was not getting the new sites to create the social profile backlinks. You also have some of the same sites that I found listed on almost every article but there are many which I never found on any sites and that is what is different over here. Keep it up and if possible try to eliminate the ones which are dead and not working now and also try to add some more to the list.

    Thanks once again 🙂

  25. These are some great sites for getting links from high PR sites. Google has stopped updating PageRank for sites, however, getting backlinks is still important. They increase your site’s credibility and authenticity. The more the backlinks you can get, the better.
    Thanks for sharing these sites

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